Meet The Team
Bradley Maruoka
Bradley is a 4th year Mechanical Engineering student from the Bay Area. He enjoys 2x drivetrains, tanwall tires, loud hubs, and has an unhealthy addiction to nice components. He has no claimed favorite trail but likes anything that involves climbing very steep hills very fast.
Lance Savatgy
Vice President - Treasurer
Lance is a 3rd year Mechanical Engineering student from the Bay Area. He enjoys fixed gears, folding bikes, and designs that don't really make sense. He enjoys road biking to Avila and up Prefumo Canyon. If he isn't in the machine shops, chances are he is fixing his car.
Ethan Chang
Ethan is a 2nd year Mechanical Engineering student from Oregon. He enjoys spending too much time in CAD and running out of time to actually build the bike. Like all good bike builders, he has too many bikes planned, and not enough money or time.
Brendan Stratford
Training Coordinator
Brendan is a 5th year Mechanical Engineering student commited to telling everyone fun facts about clouds and the ocean. He is dedicated to the craft of adding bling to his bikes, regardless of the added weight.
Guiseppe "Joe" Chiappetta
Joe is a 2nd year mechanical engineering student from Berkeley, CA. He loves riding and spending too much time making things himself instead of buying them. Joe hopes to build many more bikes and help others accomplish the daunting challenge of making a first bike.